BIE Magnum Blog March 31st
31st March 2017
BIE Magnum Blog April 13th
13th April 2017

The Benefits of Screen Printing


Most of us are aware of screen printing; It is a process where ink is passed through either a fabric or a netted/webbed surface. This is extended into a frame. A design stencil is then used and with the aid of the squeegee. Teknik had been machining the enclosure for its CHEP87 in house, while enlisting an external supplier to screen print the CHEP87’s powder coated front panel. While the internal workings of the CHEP87 were excellent, the finishing let it down – particularly the screen printing. The exterior of a product is just as important as its interior – it must exude quality.

BIE Magnum took the machining of the box in house and used a trusted subcontractor to punch out the front panel. Working with Teknik, the BIE Magnum team experimented with design and materials, resulting in the final sample, which was produced to a high standard with specialist screen printing and anodising. Impressed with the outcome – which exceeded all expectations – Teknik awarded BIE Magnum the ongoing contract. Below is a list of benefits of screen printing.

1) Economical – When it comes to creating many copies, screen printing is the right choice. An example the same panels are going to used again and again if you are going to make many copies. It is an economical way and works out cheaper.

2) Quicker process – Screen printing is a quick process as compared to other methods. When your advertisement is viewed by customers, it would definitely convert some of these prospects into your clients. The process of screen printing is simple and hassle free.

3) Larger Designs – When it comes to larger designs, screen printing is the logical choice. You can choose to be more creative and resourceful when it comes to selecting the screen panel’s size. It is possible to make larger counterparts of the design, without any distortion to the texts and images. When it comes to digital printing, it is not very easy to make adjustments.

4) Sturdy and Tough – Screen prints are tough and sturdy. In spite of exposing the screen printed materials to harsh conditions, the colors do not appear weary and dull.